30 June 2006

Wherein The Phrase "Total Misnomer" Is Discussed, or, Wouldn't We All Be Happier If Old Rockstars Just Went Away

Act Nine, Scene Two

Cast: Myself, Abby The Dog

Setting: 11:52 AM, Home, Desk, Shopping In The iTunes Music Store

Myself: Why isn't Billy Joel's new album called "Please Help Pay For My Next Trip To Rehab"?

Abby The Dog: (Looks at Myself, tilts head.)

Wherein An Alternate Theory Of The Case Is Discussed, or, One Upped By A Silicon Chip

Act Nine, Scene Three

Cast: Myself, Abby The Dog

Setting: 11:54 AM, Home, Desk, Posting to UoS

Myself: When you run spell check on the words "Billy Joel's", joyless is the first thing on the list of alternatives. Damn, they're right. That would be an even better title than the one I suggested.

Abby The Dog: (Looks at Myself, tilts head.)

16 June 2006

Wherein The Evolution Of Man Is Discussed, or, How To Become French (Part One)

Act Nine, Scene One

Cast: Man Drinking Martini In Lounge, Man Drinking Diet Coke In Lounge

Setting: 10:50PM, Buddha Bar, Little West 12th Street, New York

MDDCIL: I've been thinking about getting a new car.
MDMIL: Oh yeah? What kind?
MDDCIL: An Audi TT. I went over Zumbach yesterday afternoon.
MDMIL: Really? What did you think?
MDDCIL: It was weird.
MDMIL: The car or the dealership?
MDDCIL: The car was nice, its the salesmen that kind of freaked me out.
MDMIL: What do you mean?
MDDCIL: Its like there are only two kinds of guys who sell cars: the 22 year old, type-A, go-getters and the 45 year old, bitter, hateful guys they will become if they stay in the business.

01 June 2006

Wherein The Possible Implications of The Phrase "Hecho En Mexico" Are Discussed, or, Front Row At The Tommy Chong Experience

Act Eight, Scene Five

Cast: Man Sitting at Desk, Man Talking To Man Sitting At Desk

Setting: 9:12 AM, Cube Farm, Some Office

MTMSAD: Wow. You're here. Where have you been all week?
MSAD: I was having trouble getting to sleep on Saturday night so I took one of those sleeping pills you brought me from Mexico.
MSAD: It turns out they were ketamine. I slept for three days.
MTMSAD: So they worked, huh?